Ancora Counselling Services


Counselling and psychotherapeutic services.


| Initial Consultation

Up to 30 minutes in-person or over the phone


| Individual Counselling

50-minute session

$150 (GST-inclusive)

| Family and Couple Counselling (where two or more people are participating)

50-minute session

$170 (GST-inclusive)

80-minute session

$240 (GST-inclusive)

| Self-Experience for Existential Analysis Trainees (Counselling Diploma)

50-minute session

$150 (GST-inclusive)

| REduced rate Counselling

Since the conception of my practice, it has been an ardent value for me to support and contribute to the accessibility of trustworthy, professional, efficacious counselling services regardless of financial means and life circumstances. Just shy of a decade working in counselling psychology, I had always offered a number of spots within my caseload for reduced rate counselling. Presently, I am more and more dedicating time and expertise to consultation and advocacy within the larger system of counselling as a practice and a service in order to unravel systemic and societal issues that serve as barriers to counselling access for distinct portions of the population. Because of this, I have decided to shift the way in which I offer reduced rate counselling services through my private practice. As I seek to allocate time to various areas of importance to me when it comes to developing the practice and profession of counselling, I believe that I can make more spots available for reduced rate counselling by serving as a supervisor for interns in their Masters program. The benefits of this offering is two-fold. Firstly, it allows Masters-level counsellors in training the opportunity to apply theories, techniques, and approaches learned in classes to their work with clients in the community as well as the opportunity to learn and experience all tasks involved in a complete process of therapy with the support and advisement of a senior therapist with many years’ experience in the field. Secondly, it opens up the possibility for clients who would otherwise like to see me for counselling to receive services at a reduced rate with interns who have been carefully screened for fit-ness with my approach to counselling and who are most likely to align to integral and foundational pieces the define the counselling practice for me. These clients can rest assured that I am working closely with the interns I have taken on and that I am both supporting and am intimately involved in case conceptualization, decisions surrounding therapeutic strategies and interventions, and maintaining high standards of practical and ethical practice for addressing the issues and concerns of clients who are seeing an intern through Ancora Counselling Services and under my supervision.

If you would like to dialogue about this process and ask questions about the potential of pursuing reduced rate counselling services with an intern through my practice, or if you have engaged in therapy with me as your counsellor in the past at a reduced rate and would like to continue counselling at a reduced rate moving forward and, hence, would like to be paired up with an intern, please do not hesitate to contact me to begin the conversation about this. I am happy to talk more about what this might entail and whether this makes the most sense for you and for your goals in therapy.

50-minute session

$60 - $85*

*Please note that to access reduced rate counselling services, you will be asked to demonstrate limitation in utilizing full fee services (e.g. lack of access to third party funding or to extended medical benefits).

| Consultations and Speaking Engagements

Interested to book Elizabeth for the purposes of consultation or for a speaking engagement? Please reach out to inquire more about this.

Previous speaking engagements, publications, and presentations include:

Chan, E. (2018). Embodied Research. In J. L. Kwee & H. L. McBride (Eds.), Embodiment and Eating Disorders: Theory, Research, Prevention, and Treatment. New York, NY: Routledge. 

Bork, V., Chan, E., Gajjar, N., Kwee, J., Lewis, C., MacFarlane, S., & Palmer, D. (2017, October). Research with Heart: Personal and Relational Dimensions of Research. Symposium conducted at the MA Counselling Psychology Research and Clinical Colloquium of Trinity Western University, Langley, BC. 

Chan, E., & Drisner, J. (2017). Social media and personhood within the postmodern world. Existencia, 3. 

Chan, E., Hart, J., Klaassen, D., Kuburic, S., Launeanu, M., & Oetter, Y. (2016, November). Existential Analysis (EA) in the Counselling Clinical Practice: Focus on Case Conceptualization.  Symposium conducted at the MA Counselling Psychology Research and Clinical Colloquium of Trinity Western University, Langley, BC.

Launeanu, M., Kwee, J., McDonald, M., Chan, E., Drisner, J., & Bartel, B. T. (2016, June). Clinical supervision in counselling psychology: An integrative developmental-phenomenological approach. The 2016 Canadian Psychological Association National Convention, Victoria Conference Centre and Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC. 

Launeanu, M., Beyer, C., Chan, E., Kwee, J., & McBride, H. (2016, June). Seeking the body electric: Understanding eating disorders through embodiment and feminist-existential lenses. The 2016 Canadian Psychological Association National Convention, Victoria Conference Centre and Fairmont Empress Hotel, Victoria, BC.

Chan, E., Kwee, J., & Launeanu, M. (2016, January). Till we have voices: Listening phenomenologically to voices of healing in psychotherapy research. Ninth Annual Giving Voice to Experience Conference: Enriching Practice of Psychotherapy Through Qualitative Research, Seattle University, Seattle, WA. 

Chan, E., Drisner, J., Kier, S., Oetter, Y., & Launeanu, M. (2015, October). Existential Analysis (EA) in counselling clinical practice and supervision. Symposium conducted at the MA Counselling Psychology Research and Clinical Colloquium of Trinity Western University, Langley, BC. 

Beyer, C., Launeanu, M., & Chan, E. (2015, October). Seeking the body electric: Re-conceptualizing anorexia through embodiment and feminist lenses. Symposium conducted at the MA Counselling Psychology Research and Clinical Colloquium of Trinity Western University, Langley, BC.

Wall, J., Rensch, C., Kwee, J., Chan, E., & McDonald, M. (2015, October). HSCED: Collaborative psychotherapy research for scientists and practitioners. Symposium conducted at the MA Counselling Psychology Research and Clinical Colloquium of Trinity Western University, Langley, BC. 

Rombough, A., Birmingham, E., Gladson, A., Erdman, L., Senghera, N., Burnside, K.,…Chan, E. (2013). An Examination of Gaze Selection and Gaze Following Using Everyday Scenes. Canadian Psychology Annual Convention, Quebec: Canadian Psychological Association.

Chan, E. (2012). The Globalization of Psychology: Understanding the Cross-Cultural Implications of Psychosocial Welfare. Borders, 1, 15-36.